Saturday, June 21, 2008

He is so cute!!


Jason & Nicole said...

Oh my heck- CUTE! CUTE! CUTE!!!! I miss this little guy so much- I swear he has changed a ton in a month!!

Jordan Frazier said...

Hi Stockett Family!
I know you don't know me, but i went to high school with brandon. Your little boy is adorable---it looks like you guys are doing well. Tell brandon hi for me! (it's jordan (clarkson) frazier. Our blog is

Carol said...

Hi Brandon and Lesley
I found your blog through Nicole's through Julee's. I hope you don't mind. I just wanted to say Drew is so adorable. This is the first pictures I've gotten to see of him and wow I just want to kiss those chubby cheeks!
I hope you're doing well and enjoying the summer. We miss you guys.
Love ya!